Welcome to Rooted Therapy.

Rooted Therapy & Consultation, LLC is committed to providing personalized mental health services. 

Our goal is to provide a safe and supportive environment to all clients to promote opportunities for healing and growth. Our services allow you to access care at your fingertips to reduce disruption in care because of busy lives. We offer techniques from multiple therapy modalities to allow you to have a customized care plan to meet your goals as you overcome barriers in your life. We are unable to erase harm or trauma although we can help strengthen your roots as you navigate life challenges.

Rooted Therapy & Consultation was created by Alicia Krawczyk, LCSW. Alicia knew that the roots of past, present, and future are intertwined. At times throughout life, our foundation (roots) become a little unsteady resulting in us feeling like our lives are unmanageable. 

At Rooted Therapy & Consultation, we will support you as you strengthen your roots so you can grow stronger and stable in yourself. This may look different for everyone. It may be gaining more tools to cope with anxious feelings, overcoming the darkness of depression, or re-establishing your sense of self after becoming a mom or another major life transition.